Hi, my name is Olivia but everyone calls me Liv. Now that I think of it, my mom might be the only person that actually calls me by my real name. Liv is just ME! I'm a 26 year old entrepreneur, mom and friend(I always say this because being a good friend is definitely a character trait.)Welcome to my blog, wow, it sounds so cool saying that! Ha! This is where you're going to see all the real life mom stuff that all the other blogs don't talk about. But, this is NOT just a mom blog! I want this space to be a haven for us all...new moms, young moms, older moms, women AND men who aren't even parents yet. I promise you will never be bored reading anything on here, and if you are...shoot me an email and send me your thoughts! Actually, I want you all to send me your ideas, thoughts, pretty much anything that comes to mind while you're here with me! I truly cannot wait to connect with you all! Happy Reading!